How to Frame Your Art Prints on a Budget

How to Frame Your Art Prints on a Budget

When it comes to showcasing your favorite art prints, the right frame can make all the difference. But let's face it, custom framing can be expensive. Fortunately, I've discovered some clever, budget-friendly ways to beautifully frame your prints without breaking the bank.

Start with Quality Prints

Before we delve into framing tips, it's essential to start with high-quality prints. It makes no sense to invest time and effort into framing if the print quality isn't top-notch. At HiPosterShop, I offer a variety of prints, such as the whimsical Yellow Monster Poster or the captivating Sunset Poster, both produced with top-tier printing techniques. Take a look at my Ultimate Guide to High-Quality Fine Art Printing to learn more about the importance of print quality.



Choosing the Right Frame

When selecting frames, the key is to pick something that complements your print and your space. You don't need to spend a fortune to get a great look. I've created an Ultimate Guide to Fine Art Printing and Framing that provides in-depth insights into this process.


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Thrift Stores & Second-Hand Markets

Thrift stores, yard sales, and second-hand markets can be treasure troves for budget-friendly frames. Often, you'll find frames with beautiful patina and character that only time can provide. A frame like this can add an air of vintage charm to any print, such as our Solar System Poster.





Consider a bit of DIY. Purchase a basic frame and customize it to fit your style. Whether it's a coat of paint, some decorative moulding, or a bit of distressing, there are countless ways to make a plain frame something special.

"The only limit to your creativity is your imagination. So, don't be afraid to think outside the box." - Lisa Ketty


Using a mat can elevate the look of your framed print without a significant increase in cost. Mats can bring attention to the print, add depth, and protect the print from touching the glass. Our Framed Matte Paper Posters include a mat for an added level of sophistication.

Gallery Walls

Creating a gallery wall is another excellent way to display your art prints. They add visual interest and allow for a personal touch. Need inspiration? Check out my Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Personalized Gallery Wall.





With these budget-friendly tips, framing your favorite art prints doesn't have to be a costly affair. Remember, the goal is to enhance the artwork and make it a focal point in your space. So, browse through HiPosterShop's collection and find your next art piece to frame and display proudly. Happy framing!

Framing Art Prints on a Budget - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
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